Who Will Protect Your Time?
At the core … be judicious with your time.
I often say, "Be deliberate with your words. Be judicious with your time." The latter is sometimes complicated by the many ways in which people vie for our attention. We have email, text, Messenger, Slack, Zoom message, WhatsApp, Instagram, phone calls, voice mails and so much more.
A recent New York Times opinion piece by Erica Dhawan captures this modern dilemma beautifully. She writes, "For those of us who strive to be polite, text-based digital communications — all those chimes and dings and vibrations — can be extremely demanding. Ignoring a Slack, email or text message feels rude, but should it? After all, as Daniel Post Senning of the Emily Post Institute, which offers advice and training on good manners, reminded me, when our phone rings, we’re under no obligation to answer it. 'You have to be a civil and decent person,' Mr. Senning told me, 'but you don’t have to give your time and attention to everyone who asks for it.'"
No one can protect your time better than you.
#leadership #productivity #time #remotework #communication #coaching